2022-05-02 作者:研究院 浏览:330
序列 论文题目 论文作者 刊物或会议名称
1 Optimal Spacing of Traffic Counting Stations on A High-volume Highway Based on Queuing Models Fengping Zhan, Jian Zhang The 15th COTA international traffic science and technology annual meeting, 2015
2 Determining the sample size of probe vehicles in different traffic conditions on freeway Fengping Zhan, Jian Zhang The 3rd International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS 2015), Wuhan China, 2015
3 Determining Minimum Sample Size of Probe Vehicles for Freeway Equipped with Fixed Detectors Fengping Zhan, XiaWan, Jian Zhang, Rui Li and Bin Presented at 94nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2015
4 A Sample size Reduction Method Based on Data Fusion for Freeways with Fixed Detectors Fengping Zhan, XiaWan, Jian Zhang, Rui Li and Bin Transportation Research Record (TRR): Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2015
5 Neural Network based Freeway Traffic State Data Fusion System using Cellular Handoff Probe system and Microwave Sensors Shanglu He, Jian Zhang,Yang Cheng, Xia Wan, Bin Ra Recommended for presentation in the Transportation Research Board's 94th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, 2015
6 省域高速公路网运营与服务信息化平台研究 何赏璐,冉斌,张健,王浩淼 交通运输工程与信息学报. 2015. 13(2): 50-57
7 An Approach to Road Matching Based on Cell Phone Handover on Urban Arterial Road Network 聂建强 CICTP
8 A Cooperative Management Strategy Designed for Unsignalized Intersection under the Connected Vehicle Environment 钟罡
9 基于组合赋权理论的高速公路多源信息融合算法 杨彬彬,李锐,张健,王浩淼,墓志鹏 交通信息与安全, 2015