2022-05-01 作者:研究院 浏览:357
序列 论文题目 论文作者 刊物或会议名称
11 The Study of Urban Intelligent Development stage in China 顾海燕,王卫,张健,胡永恺,展凤萍,何赏璐,乔李丽 2012 International Conference on Civil, Architectural and Hydraulic Engineering
12 Research on Architecture of Intelligent Transportation Application System 胡永恺,王卫,顾海燕,展凤萍,乔李丽 12th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals
13 Research on construction and Operation Mode of Intelligent Transportation Systems 胡永恺,王卫,张健,顾海燕,乔李丽,何赏璐,展凤萍 2012 International Conference on Civil
14 Research on the Construction Mechanism for Intelligent Transportation Systems in Foreign Countries Fengping zhan, Weiwang, Jian Zhang, Haiyan Gu, Yon The First (GCCSEE 2012) Global Conference on Civil,Structural and Environmental Engineering
15 路段感应式信号控制行人过街系统设计 何赏璐,郑长江,过秀成,李岩,杨洁 交通信息与安全