2022-05-01 作者:研究院 浏览:554
序列 论文题目 论文作者 刊物或会议名称
1 Bottleeneck Identification Algorithms Considering Detector Data Quality Issues Jing Jin, Steven Parker,Jie Fang, and Bin Ran Journal of Transportation Engineering
2 Perspectives on Future Transportation Research: Impact of ITS Technologies on Next Generation Transportation Modeling Bin Ran, Jing Jin, David Boyce, Zhijun Qiu, and Ya Journal of Intelligent Transportation systems
3 wireless communication Simulation Model for Dynamic Cellular Handoff-Based Traffic Monitoring systems: Framework and Evaluation Fei Yang, Yang Cheng, Jing Jin, Da Yang, and Bin R TRR(Transportation Research Record: Journal of Transportation Research Board)
4 wireless Communication Simulation Model for Dynamic Cellular Handoff-Based Traffic Monitoring Systems: Framework and Evaluation Fei Yang,Yang Cheng, Jing Jin, Da Yang, and Bin Ra Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting(2012)
5 Incorporating Looking-Back Behavior into Cellular Automation Model Liang Zheng, Shou feng Ma,Jing Jin, Bin Ran and Sh Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting ( 2012)
6 Enhanced Analysis of work Zone Safety Through Integration of Statewide Crash Data with Lane Closure system Data Cheng, Y., Parker, S., Ran, B., and Noyce, D TRR
7 Bus Contraflow Lane: Improved Contraflow Approach in Freeway Evacuation Hua, J., Ren, G., Cheng, Y., zhang, Y., and Ran, B TRR
8 Solution Attributes of Static Deterministic Traffic Assignment Problem with Unique Route Flows Determined by the Condition of Proportionality Aungsuyanon A., Boyce, D., and Ran, B. Proceedings of the 91st TRB Annual Meeting, January 2012
9 InterCAD: Public safety Computer-Aided Dispatch to Traffic Operations Advanced Traffic Management System Data Exchange Parker, S., Sarma, B., Mishefske,J., King, D., Ran Proceedings of the 91st TRB Annual Meeting, January 2012
10 Study on the intelligent transport system and social economic development 顾海燕,王卫,胡永恺,乔李丽,展凤萍 12th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals(CICTP 2012)